Aloe meyeri

Aloe meyeri, a member of the Aloe genus, is a popular succulent known for its unique appearance and easy care requirements. In this comprehensive care guide, we will explore everything you need to know to keep your Aloe meyeri thriving in your collection.

Common Names

Aloe meyeri is primarily known by its scientific name. However, it may also be referred to as the Meyer’s Aloe.

Aloe meyeri meyeri

Plant Description and Size

Aloe meyeri is a visually striking succulent with rosettes of spiraling, triangular leaves. The leaves are typically gray-green in color, often with white spots or markings. The spiral arrangement of the leaves gives this plant its distinctive and eye-catching appearance.

Aloe meyeri spines meyeri

In terms of size, Aloe meyeri can reach a height of about 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm) and spread out to a width of approximately 12 to 18 inches (30 to 45 cm). It is a relatively compact succulent, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor cultivation.

Sun stressed aloe meyeri meyeri

Flower Color and Blooming Period

Aloe meyeri produces beautiful tubular flowers that are typically coral or reddish-orange in color. The flowers emerge on tall, slender stalks called inflorescences, which rise above the rosettes of leaves. The blooming period for Aloe meyeri typically occurs in late winter to early spring, although individual plants may vary in their flowering times.

Aloe meyeri about to bloom meyeri

Aloe meyeri Care Requirements


Aloe meyeri thrives in bright, indirect light. It should be placed in a location where it can receive at least 4 to 6 hours of sunlight per day. While it can tolerate some direct sunlight, it is best to protect it from intense, prolonged exposure, as it can scorch the leaves.

Indoor growers should place the plant near a south or west-facing window where it can receive ample sunlight. If natural light is insufficient, supplement it with artificial grow lights. Position the lights about 12 inches (30 cm) above the plant and provide them for about 10 to 12 hours a day to mimic natural day length.

Aloe meyeri red flowers meyeri


Like most succulents, Aloe meyeri has low water needs and is adapted to arid conditions. It is crucial to allow the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent the risk of root rot. As a general guideline, water the plant thoroughly but infrequently. During the growing season, typically spring and summer, water the plant when the top inch (2.5 cm) of soil feels dry.


A well-draining soil mix is essential for Aloe meyeri. It is recommended to use a commercial cactus or succulent potting mix enriched with coarse sand, perlite, or pumice to improve drainage. This type of soil combination allows excess water to escape quickly, preventing the roots from sitting in damp conditions that can lead to root rot.


Consider amending your soil with Bonsai Jack’s gritty mix to ensure your succulent soil drains quickly to prevent it from staying moist for too long. Source: Etsy

Temperature Tolerance

Aloe meyeri is native to South Africa and is well adapted to warm temperatures. It can tolerate temperatures as low as 40°F (4°C) but prefers temperatures between 50°F (10°C) and 80°F (27°C). Protect the plant from frost, as prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures can damage or kill it.

Hardiness Zone

The ideal USDA hardiness zone for growing Aloe meyeri outdoors is Zones 10 and 11. In colder regions, it is best to grow this succulent indoors or in containers that can be moved indoors during the winter months.


Aloe meyeri does not require frequent fertilization but can benefit from occasional feeding. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer formulated specifically for succulents or a diluted liquid fertilizer. During the active growing season in spring and summer, fertilize the plant once every two to three months. Avoid fertilizing during the winter months when the plant is in a dormant phase.


Succulent fertilizer available to purchase on Etsy.

Aloe meyeri Propagation

The easiest way to propagate Aloe meyeri is through offsets, also known as pups, that develop around the base of the plant. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Identify healthy offsets that are at least a few inches tall and have their own root system.
  2. Using clean, sharp pruning shears, carefully separate the offsets from the main plant by cutting them at the base.
  3. Allow the cut surfaces to dry and callous over for a few days.
  4. Once the cut surfaces have calloused, prepare a well-draining soil mix. You can use a combination of cactus or succulent potting mix and perlite or sand.
  5. Plant the Aloe meyeri offsets in the soil mix,ensuring that the roots are placed securely in the soil and the offset is upright.
  6. Water the newly planted offsets lightly, and then wait for the soil to dry out before watering again.
  7. Place the newly propagated offsets in a bright location with indirect sunlight.

Over time, the offsets will develop their own rosettes and grow into mature plants.

Pests and Pest Control

Aloe meyeri is generally resistant to pests and diseases. However, it can occasionally attract common succulent pests such as aloe mites, mealybugs or aphids. If you notice any signs of infestation, promptly isolate the affected plant to prevent the pests from spreading to other plants.

To control pests, you can try the following methods:

  • Wipe the leaves with a cloth or cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to remove mealybugs.
  • Use a gentle stream of water or insecticidal soap to wash away aphids.
  • For severe infestations, consider using an organic pesticide specifically formulated for succulents. Follow the instructions carefully and avoid using harsh chemicals that may harm the plant.

Fix the pest problem on your succulents and cacti with these popular insecticides.

Common Problems and Solutions

Here are some common problems that Aloe meyeri owners may encounter and their solutions:

  1. Overwatering: If the leaves appear soft, mushy, or discolored, it may indicate overwatering. Reduce watering frequency and allow the soil to dry out completely before watering again.
  2. Underwatering: If the leaves look shriveled or wrinkled, it may indicate underwatering. Increase watering frequency, but always ensure the soil is well-draining.
  3. Leaf Discoloration: Brown or yellow discoloration on the leaves can be a sign of sunburn. Move the plant to a shadier location or provide some shade during the hottest part of the day.
  4. Root Rot: If the plant’s roots appear dark, mushy, or have a foul odor, it may indicate root rot due to overwatering. Trim away the affected roots and repot the plant into fresh, well-draining soil.

Growing Aloe meyeri Indoors

Aloe meyeri can thrive as an indoor plant, provided it receives adequate light. Place it near a sunny window where it can receive several hours of bright, indirect sunlight each day. If natural light is limited, supplement it with artificial grow lights as mentioned earlier.

Indoor humidity is generally lower than outdoor conditions, which is beneficial for Aloe meyeri as it prefers drier environments. Take care not to place the plant near drafts or heating vents, as these can cause fluctuations in temperature and humidity.


Aloe meyeri is considered mildly toxic to cats, dogs, and humans if ingested in large quantities. The sap of the plant contains compounds that can cause gastrointestinal discomfort and irritation. It is best to keep Aloe meyeri out of reach of pets and children to avoid any potential issues.

Unique Adaptations

While Aloe meyeri does not possess any unique adaptations that differentiate it significantly from other succulents, its spiral leaf arrangement is a distinctive feature that sets it apart aesthetically. This adaptation allows the plant to maximize its exposure to sunlight while minimizing water loss through transpiration.

Pruning and Repotting

Pruning is generally not necessary for Aloe meyeri unless you want to remove dead or damaged leaves. If pruning is required, use clean, sharp pruners and make clean cuts at the base of the leaves or stems.

Repotting Aloe meyeri should be done every two to three years or when the plant has outgrown its current pot. Spring is the ideal time for repotting. Choose a slightly larger pot with adequate drainage holes and use a well-draining succulent potting mix. Gently remove the plant from its current pot, loosen the roots, and place it in the new pot. Fill in with fresh soil, ensuring the plant is stable and upright.

When you’re rooting or transplanting your succulents and cacti, use SUPERthrive to help reduce the chance of transplant shock and grow a strong root system.

Aloe meyeri is a captivating succulent that can be a great addition to any succulent enthusiast’s collection. By following the care guidelines provided in this comprehensive guide, you can enjoy the beauty of this unique plant while ensuring its health and longevity.