Dudleya farinosa ‘Bluff Lettuce’

Get to Know Dudleya farinosa ‘Bluff Lettuce’

Appearance and common names

Dudleya farinosa, commonly known as ‘Bluff Lettuce’, is a striking succulent with an eye-catching appearance. Its rosette-shaped leaves are covered in a powdery white coating, giving it a unique look. The plant typically produces yellow flowers between April and July. 

Dudleya farinosa dudleya farinosa

Natural habitat and unique adaptations

Dudleya farinosa can be found in its natural habitat along the coastal cliffs of California and Oregon. The plant has adapted well to its environment, with its thick leaves allowing it to store water and withstand dry conditions.


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Etymology of the name

The name Dudleya comes from the Latinized version of the last name of American botanist William Russell Dudley, while the species name “farinosa” is derived from the Latin word “farinosus,” meaning mealy or powdery, referring to the plant’s white coating.


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Dudleya farinosa ‘Bluff Lettuce’ growth and care

Size and growth rate

Dudleya farinosa ‘Bluff Lettuce’ is a slow-growing succulent, reaching a height of up to 12 inches and a diameter of up to 18 inches. However, with proper care, it can grow into a stunning and healthy plant.


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Blooming and dormancy

Dudleya farinosa typically blooms between April and July, with its vibrant yellow flowers attracting pollinators. It is crucial not to water the plant during its flowering period, as this can cause it to rot. Dudleya farinosa will enter a dormant state during the warmer summer months, and its watering needs will decrease during this time.


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Light requirements

Dudleya farinosa requires plenty of light to thrive, ideally receiving at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. If you plan to grow the plant indoors, ensure it is placed near a south or west-facing window to receive adequate sunlight.


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Watering and fertilizing

Watering is a vital aspect of Dudleya farinosa ‘Bluff Lettuce’ care. It is essential to allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings to prevent root rot. During the growing season, water the plant once every two weeks, but reduce the frequency to once a month during its dormancy.


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A balanced fertilizer can be applied twice a year during the growing season to provide the plant with essential nutrients. However, be cautious not to over-fertilize, as this can cause more harm than good.


Succulent fertilizer available to purchase on Etsy.

Propagation and pruning

Dudleya farinosa ‘Bluff Lettuce’ can be propagated through leaf cuttings or division. To propagate through leaf cuttings, simply remove a healthy leaf from the mother plant, let it callous for a few days, and then place it on well-draining soil. The leaf should develop roots and eventually produce a new plant.


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Pruning is not a regular requirement for Dudleya farinosa, but it may be necessary to remove dead leaves or spent flower stalks to maintain the plant’s appearance and health. I love leaving the dead leaves on the stem and letting my Dudleya grow all crazy. I just make sure there aren’t any critters hiding in between those leaves

Superthrive succulent fertilizer dudleya farinosa
Superthrive helps your plants… thrive!

When you’re rooting or transplanting your succulents and cacti, use SUPERthrive to help reduce the chance of transplant shock and grow a strong root system.

Cold hardiness and temperature tolerance

Dudleya farinosa is cold hardy and can tolerate temperatures as low as 25°F. However, it is crucial to protect the plant from frost and freezing temperatures to prevent damage.


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Common problems and solutions

Pests and diseases

Dudleya farinosa ‘Bluff Lettuce’ is generally pest-resistant, but it can sometimes attract mealybugs or aphids. If you notice these pests on your plant, treat them with insecticidal soap or neem oil. One common issue that gardeners may face is overwatering, which can lead to root rot. To prevent this, ensure that you are using well-draining soil and allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.

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Fix the pest problem on your succulents and cacti with these popular insecticides.

Growing indoors

Growing Dudleya farinosa indoors is possible as long as it receives adequate light, and its watering and fertilizing needs are met. Be sure to place it near a south or west-facing window and monitor the plant’s health closely. To be quite honest, Dudleya should be grown outdoors and planted as vertically as possible to mimic how it grows in its natural habitat of cliff walls.


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Toxicity to pets and humans

Dudleya farinosa is not known to be toxic to pets or humans. However, it is always a good idea to keep plants out of reach of curious pets and children to prevent any potential issues.


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Dudleya farinosa ‘Bluff Lettuce’ is a fascinating and unique succulent that can make a beautiful addition to your garden or indoor plant collection. By understanding its specific care requirements and addressing potential problems, you can ensure your ‘Bluff Lettuce’ will thrive and grow into a stunning plant. With its eye-catching appearance and low-maintenance nature, it’s no wonder that this succulent is becoming increasingly popular among plant enthusiasts.