If you have more pictures of succulent collection on your phone than your kids or pets, you’re in the right place!
I am certainly no expert when it comes to succulents. I just love them. A lot. I love reading about them and learning about what makes them so special. I love learning about how to tell them apart and how to give them the proper conditions to thrive. I love growing them and getting my hands dirty as I maintain my collection. I love picking off leaves as they dry up or pruning pieces that get unruly.
I started by reading every book and article I could find on succulent care and cultivation. I joined online succulent communities, asked endless questions, and studied the techniques of more experienced growers. Though my early succulent collection succumbed to root rot and other common newbie mistakes, I persisted and learned from my failures.
My succulent collection has grown exponentially since I fell in love with them a few years ago. A couple of small pots turned in to a front porch full. That front porch turned in to digging up my whole front yard and planting succulents all over the whole thing. I’ve planted a huge fountain with succulents, filled the whole back patio with my rare succulent collection and then planted my whole back yard with more. There’s absolutely no more space in the yard to plant anything even if I wanted to.
Succulents have been secretly orphaned on my doorstep overnight. Neighbors who are moving give me their succulent collections because they know I will keep them alive. Half of my right arm is covered in a succulent tattoo so they’re always with me. I get tagged in viral succulent posts by my friends and family daily… And I love it all. I hope it never stops. I have more pictures of my succulent collection than of my kids or dogs. Most of the pictures on this blog are of my personal succulent collection. I could talk about them all day which is probably why I started this blog in the first place.
Any succulent advice I give is what I would do if it were my own. I hope my posts are interesting and helpful you to help your succulent collection flourish. My journey from novice to expert illustrates how passion, patience and perseverance can lead to true mastery. I hope that my expertise and love of succulents inspire people all over the world to discover the joy of these hardy, vibrant plants.
More About My “Why”: The Physical and Mental Health Benefits to Gardening
Why Gardening Matters to Me
In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, it’s easy for me to become disconnected from nature. I often catch myself wasting time scrolling on Instagram or TikTok when I should be doing other things. Gardening offers me the chance to slow down, reconnect with the earth, and reap the physical and mental health benefits that come with nurturing my succulents and watching them grow.
Physical Health Benefits of Gardening
Improved Muscle Strength and Flexibility
When you’re digging, planting, weeding, and pruning, you’re engaging in a variety of physical activities that work different muscle groups. Gardening helps to build strength, increase flexibility, and improve overall fitness levels.
Better Cardiovascular Health
Gardening can be a surprisingly effective cardiovascular workout. Pushing a wheelbarrow, raking leaves, and shoveling soil can all raise your heart rate and help to improve cardiovascular health over time.
Lower Risk of Obesity
Gardening burns calories, which can contribute to maintaining a healthy weight or even losing weight. A study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that people who engage in community gardening have a lower body mass index (BMI) and a reduced risk of obesity compared to their non-gardening neighbors.
Boosting Vitamin D Levels
Spending time outdoors in the sunlight while gardening can help your body produce vitamin D, sometimes known as the “sunshine vitamin.” Vitamin D is essential for maintaining strong bones and a healthy immune system.
Mental Health Benefits of Gardening
Stress Reduction
Gardening is a relaxing and meditative activity that can help to reduce stress and anxiety. A study published in the Journal of Health Psychology found that people who engaged in gardening experienced a greater reduction in stress levels compared to those who chose to read indoors.
Improved Mood and Emotional Well-being
Tending to plants and immersing oneself in nature can help to improve mood and emotional well-being. The feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes from nurturing plants and watching them grow can boost self-esteem and overall happiness.
Enhanced Cognitive Function
Gardening and Alzheimer’s Disease
Research has shown that gardening may have a positive impact on cognitive function, particularly in people with Alzheimer’s disease. A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that gardening therapy had a significant positive effect on various cognitive functions in patients with dementia.
Gardening and Attention Restoration Theory
Gardening can also help to improve focus and attention. According to the Attention Restoration Theory, spending time in natural environments can help to restore our ability to concentrate and think creatively.
Social Connections
Gardening can help to foster social connections, whether it’s through joining a community garden or sharing gardening tips and produce with friends and neighbors. Building social connections is essential for maintaining good mental health and well-being.