As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualified purchases. Through this program, I have access to deals and coupon codes from various companies and I share them with you to pass on savings as I find them.
This site contains affiliate links. This means when you purchase anything through one of my links, at no extra cost to you, I earn a very small commission from companies like Etsy and Amazon. It is how I hope to make a significant contribution to my household while still being able to stay home with my two young daughters.

I love everything about succulents, researching their care needs and helping others learn to care for their succulents as well! Succulents have truly become a passion of mine over the last few years. So much so that I have them tattooed on my arm! I would love for succulents to be a stream of income for my family, but living in a tightly packed neighborhood limits physically selling them so instead I’ve chosen to blog about them!

If you’ve made it this far, I truly appreciate you. -Tracy

Where to Buy Succulents Online