Efflorescence on Terracotta Pots: What It Is and 5 Simple Ways to Prevent It

Efflorescence on terracotta pots guide

Efflorescence on terracotta pots, or the process by which water-soluble salts present in clay pots or other porous materials are brought to the surface and crystallize, can be a frustrating problem for succulent enthusiasts. These salts can appear as a white, powdery substance on the surface of the pot. In this article, we’ll explain what … Read more

Black Sooty Mold: 9 Effective Ways to Treat it on Succulents

Black sooty mold on succulents

If you have noticed a black, sooty substance on your succulent plants, it is likely that they have been affected by a fungus called sooty mold. This fungus typically appears as a black, powdery or sticky substance on the leaves and stems of succulent plants, hindering their growth and affecting their overall appearance. Fortunately, there … Read more