Magical ‘Moon Cactus’: Gymnocalycium Mihanovichii and 4 Things to Know About It

'moon cactus'

Gymnocalycium mihanovichii, also known as the ‘Moon Cactus’ or Hibotan cactus, is a small cactus native to South American deserts in places like Brazil and Argentina. It is usually seen as a grafted cactus, meaning that it has been attached to a host plant as the common, bright neon colors are unable to photosynthesize on … Read more

Grafted Cacti: An Introduction to These Unique and Interesting Plants (2023)

Grafted cacti

Grafted cacti are a type of plant that is created by combining two or more cactus species together. This process is known as grafting and is often used to produce plants with unique or unusual characteristics, such as a particular color or growth habit. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at grafted cacti … Read more