Echeveria desmetiana: A Comprehensive Care Guide

Echeveria desmetiana, commonly known as Echeveria peacockii or Echeveria subsessilis, is a beautiful and popular succulent plant loved by gardeners and collectors alike. Known for its bright, blinding colors and unique rosette shape, this variety of Echeveria is both versatile and easy to grow.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything there is to know about Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis, from its origins and classification to growing tips and creative design ideas.

Echeveria desmetiana, Echeveria peacockii and Echeveria subsessilis are all synonyms for each other.

Caring for echeveria desmetiana peacockii succulent echeveria desmetiana
A powdery coating of farina on the leaves protects this pale beauty from the harsh sun rays.

Origins and Classification

Genus Echeveria

The Echeveria genus, named after the 18th-century Spanish botanist, Atanasio Echeverría y Godoy, is a group of succulent plants native to the semi-desert regions of Central America, Mexico, and northwestern South America.

With over 150 species and numerous hybrids, Echeveria plants are known for their beautiful rosette shape and wide range of colors, making them a popular choice among succulent enthusiasts.

Echeveria desmetiana flowers succulent care echeveria desmetiana
This specimen is about to show off its incredible, showy flowers.

Species and Varieties

Echeveria desmetiana, also known as Echeveria peacockii or Echeveria subsessilis, is a species within the Echeveria genus.

This species is characterized by its beautiful pale blue leaves with a hint of pink or red along the edges. The leaves form a tight rosette, and in the right conditions, the plant produces bell-shaped, coral-pink flowers on long, slender stems.

Echeveria desmetiana morning beauty succulent care echeveria desmetiana
Mirror mirror on the wall, this is the fairest echeveria of them all.

Growing and Caring for Echeveria desmetiana

Ideal Growing Conditions

Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis thrives in USDA hardiness zones 9-11. It prefers a sunny location with well-draining soil and can tolerate some light shade.

The plant is also drought-tolerant, making it a suitable choice for areas with low rainfall.

Echeveria desmetiana succulent care guide echeveria desmetiana

Watering and Feeding

Like other succulents, Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis requires minimal watering. Allow the soil to dry out between watering to prevent root rot.

During the late spring/early summer growing season, water your Echeveria every 7-10 days, but decrease the frequency during winter months when the plant is dormant.

Echeveria desmetiana succulent care echeveria desmetiana

Fertilize your Echeveria with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half strength during the growing season. Avoid fertilizing during the winter months.

I generally hold back on watering all of my winter dormant succulents in general during the winter when they’re dormant.

Echeveria desmetiana succulent description echeveria desmetiana

Soil and Potting

Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis prefers well-draining soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH. A mixture of cactus or succulent soil with added perlite, pumice, or coarse sand is ideal for ensuring proper drainage.

If you haven’t found your favorite mix of succulent soil and inorganic soil amendments, be sure to check out my post on succulent soil here.

Echeveria desmetiana succulent peacockii echeveria desmetiana

When potting your Echeveria, choose a container with drainage holes to prevent waterlogged soil. As the plant grows, you may need to repot it into a larger container to accommodate its expanding root system.

Echeveria desmetiana succulent subsessilis echeveria desmetiana

Pruning and Propagation

Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis can be easily propagated through leaf cuttings, offsets, or seed. To propagate by leaf cuttings, simply remove a healthy leaf from the mother plant and let it dry for a few days. Place the leaf on top of well-draining soil and mist it lightly until roots and a new plantlet appear.

Echeveria peacockii desmetiana succulent care propagation echeveria desmetiana

Offsets, or “pups,” can be removed from the base of the mother plant andreplanted in a new pot. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also grow Echeveria from seed, but be prepared for a slower process.

Echeveria peacockii desmetiana succulent care echeveria desmetiana
This one was a little deprived of light so the center isn’t as vibrant.

Prune your Echeveria by removing dead or damaged leaves and trimming back any overgrown stems to maintain its compact rosette shape.

Echeveria subsessilis desmetiana succulent care how to propagate echeveria desmetiana

Pest and Disease Control

Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis is relatively pest and disease-resistant. However, it can be susceptible to common succulent pests such as mealybugs, aphids, and spider mites. Keep a close eye on your plant and treat any infestations with insecticidal soap or neem oil. To prevent fungal diseases and root rot, always ensure proper drainage and avoid overwatering.

Echeveria subsessilis desmetiana succulent care echeveria desmetiana

Echeveria desmetiana in Landscaping and Design

Container Gardening

With its eye-catching colors and compact size, it makes a perfect choice for container gardening. Plant it in a decorative pot and place it on your patio, balcony, or windowsill for a stunning focal point.

Echeveria subsessilis morning beauty succulent care echeveria desmetiana

Garden Beds and Rockeries

Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis also works well in garden beds and rockeries. Its low-growing, ground-covering habit makes it ideal for filling gaps between larger plants or adding a pop of color to your garden’s design.

Farina echeveria desmetiana subsessilis succulent care echeveria desmetiana

Creative Design Ideas

Get creative with your Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis by incorporating it into living walls, succulent wreaths, or even as a centerpiece in a mixed succulent arrangement. The possibilities are endless!

Guide to echeveria desmetiana succulent care echeveria desmetiana

Fun Facts and Trivia

  1. Echeveria plants are sometimes called “hen and chicks” due to their ability to produce offsets, or “pups,” that cluster around the mother plant.
  2. Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis is known to produce nectar, attracting hummingbirds and other pollinators to the garden.
  3. The powdery colors of Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis are not only beautiful but also serve as a natural sunscreen to protect the plant from harsh sunlight.
  4. Some Echeveria species, including Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis, can display a stunning “farina,” a powdery coating on their leaves that helps to protect them from sunburn and water loss.
Echeveria desmetiana botanical illustration echeveria desmetiana
How to care for echeveria desmetiana succulent echeveria desmetiana

Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis is a versatile and easy-to-grow succulent that adds beauty and interest to any garden or container. With proper care and attention to its specific growing needs, you can enjoy the stunning colors, unique rosette shape, and charming flowers of this delightful plant for years to come.

Morning beauty echeveria desmetiana succulent care echeveria desmetiana


  1. What is the difference between Echeveria desmetiana, peacockii, and subsessilis?
    Echeveria desmetiana, peacockii, and subsessilis are different names for the same species. They all refer to the same beautiful, blue-green succulent with pink or red edges.
  2. How often should I water my Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis?
    Water your Echeveria every 7-10 days during the growing season, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. Decrease the frequency during the winter months when the plant is dormant.
  3. Can Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis be grown indoors?
    Yes, Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis can be grown indoors as long as it receives plenty of bright, indirect sunlight. A south- or west-facing windowsill is an ideal location.
  4. Why are the leaves on my Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis turning yellow?
    Yellowing leaves can be a sign of overwatering or poor drainage. Make sure to let the soil dry out between waterings and use a well-draining soil mix to prevent root rot.
  5. How do I propagate Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis?
    You can propagate Echeveria desmetiana/peacockii/subsessilis through leaf cuttings, offsets, or seeds. Leaf cuttings and offsets are the easiest methods, while growing from seed can be a slower process.

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