Trailing Succulents: A Comprehensive Guide to 7 Stunning Succulents

Guide to trailing succulents

Indoor gardening is growing in popularity, and one trend that has taken off is trailing succulents. These plants add a unique touch of greenery to any space and can be trained to grow in a variety of ways. They are also low maintenance, making them a perfect choice for busy individuals or those new to … Read more

‘String of Dolphins’ Senecio peregrinus: A Comprehensive Succulent Care Guide

String of dolphins succulent care guide

One of my favorite succulents is the ‘String of Dolphins’, scientifically known as Senecio peregrinus. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to care for this fascinating plant. Understanding the Unique ‘String of Dolphins’ Origin and Other Names The ‘String of Dolphins’ is a hybrid of Senecio rowleyanus (String of Pearls) and Senecio articulatus … Read more